Thursday, 9 September 2010

The *Stars* are out!

Okies so I had another quick flick through some of the listings for the ***September Stars*** and found these gorgeous items for you all to drool over so make sure you click on the links to check out their other stuff! :o)





Okies so my listing for today is this super cute 'Superstar' Bookmark! :o)

Congrats to everyone who has had sales this month (still none for me :o( sniff where's the sales fairy when you need her?! lol)


  1. A lovely selection. Thanks for including me. Still lots of the month left for the sales fairy to appear, fingers crossed for you. Linda

  2. I love all your feature selection today, and would happily own all of them!!!

    Natalie x

  3. Thank you so much for including my purse..such great talent from the "stars"!

    Marie x

  4. Great choices and love your little starry bookmark
